Stories tagged with: Spanish
Disorder is at the end of time's arrow, unless we can find the strength to take a different path.
Caleb Vera -
Once I found a treatment program, all that went away. And this is the truth. If I wouldn't have got the answer on the other side of the phone, I wouldn't be sitting here today.
John -
Because we’re all human beings, and we all need help one way or another.
Chris -
She told me everything that happened, and she said, “I’m done. I don’t wanna do this no more. Will you come home?”
Bruce Marshall -
Those people only became bees buzzing in my ear. I had bigger fish to fry. Nope, this lady wasn't going to get entangled in some fly trap guilt trip they were setting out. Opinions didn't matter; I was looking out for my kid's future.
Leann Baisden -
I always wanted my music to help someone, and now I have that chance.
JG -
I never thought I could have a life happy without drugs, but I very much do. I really got down to what makes me, me. I truly found myself and learned how to be happy in my own skin.
DeShawna Hatcher -
It does not matter whether someone is in active addiction or recovery or some of the bad things. They are still people. They have feelings. Whenever you give people the time and the room and the safety nets to get into recovery, most will.
Jamie -
I’ve gained so much back, and I’m just really grateful for it.
Jenn -
Every day someone is at the point they are ready for help, and I want to be that person there to guide them, walk with them, hold their hand and be their shoulder—whatever they need, I want to be that in their life.
Lisa -
What we go through makes us the people we are today. It turns us into strong people. You can be open and not regret what you’ve been through. It’s important to talk about your struggles and work the steps. You can be free again.
Anonymous -
This program has given me a lot back, and God has been looking out for me.
Anonymous -
I guess I’ve figured out that I can achieve whatever I want if I put the work into it. I’ve just continued working hard to try to get my life on track.
Anonymous -
I've now achieved seven years in recovery and it has been a major blessing beyond anything I could've imagined when I was hopeless—drowning in despair, guilt, and shame. I began feeling peace, hope, and pure joy. The changes I experienced fueled a desire of giving hope and sharing with others the miracle of recovery that God blessed me with.
Karen Dominick -
I’ve learned that I have to accept what my situation is, whether I’m in a bad financial position or something else, I just have to be able to accept it and strive for better.
Anonymous -
I think it’s very important to start working with children at a young age and start addressing certain problems, especially with mental disorders and diseases. I suffered from them when I was a kid and didn’t get them addressed; they were kind of pushed to the side.
Anonymous -
It is my personal mission to be a face, voice, and light of hope for recovery every day I am on this earth. What I have discovered from this journey of recovery is how to trust in my faith, love others, love myself, and be present in the moment.
Honesty Liller -
Some of the best moments of my recovery have been raising my son and working alongside someone who has been struggling with addiction find clarity and peace and a pathway that works for them.
Carol Cruz -
We have a lot of guys in this program, past and present, who have spent their whole lives watching people avoid them, myself included. But it’s all changed now. People want to be around us. People want to hear our stories. People want our help today.
Michael Robinette -
Just by having faith and putting my all into it and doing what is uncomfortable, I’ve been able to have a life where I can help others that are also going through the same struggles as I am and have a family, and actually love my life and be happy about it.
Anna Holley