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Movable/New Ohio Review Writing Contest

31 January 2022
Your stories are compelling reflections on addiction and recovery, and many of them are also powerful pieces of literature. They have an eye for detail, an ear for rhythm, and a full sense of plot, character, and narrative point-of-view. We’ve noticed. So Movable is partnering with New Ohio Review, a national literary journal, to showcase your artistry for a fresh audience.
We invite submissions in any genre (poetry, nonfiction, fiction, and more) that focus on recovery from substance or alcohol use disorder. We define recovery broadly. We welcome submissions from emerging and established authors who have personally experienced SUD or AUD as well as family members, friends, and neighbors who want to share how they have been shaped by recovery in their communities.
Please submit directly to Movable, being sure to include your name and contact information. Additionally, please reference “NOR contest” in the “biography” field.
Entry fee: Free
Deadline: February 20
Prize: $250. Winners, finalists, and other selected entries will be published by All relevant submissions will be published by Movable unless authors request otherwise.