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Movable Keynote at GIS Day at Marshall University

20 November 2019

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, Movable directors Kristen Lillvis, Stefan Schöberlein, and Hilton Córdoba presented the keynote "GIS in Digital Humanities: Mapping Recovery Stories with Movable: Narratives of Recovery and Place" at Marshall University's GIS Day.

The keynote introduced the updated Movable site to students, faculty, and staff from Marshall University and area high schools. Dr. Lillvis discussed the origins of Movable and its role in the recovery community, Dr. Schöberlein presented on the unique capabilities of the website, and Dr. Córdoba, a faculty member in the Geography department at Marshall and GIS scholar, talked about the mapping components of the site.

On GIS Day, communities around the world celebrate the real-world applications of geographic information systems (GIS) technologies, which gather, analyze, and visualize geographic data. Geography students from Marshall, including graduate student Ian Stacy, shared their GIS work. Stacy featured a poster mapping deaths due to overdose in the New England area. Dr. Lillvis, Dr. Schöberlein, and Dr. Córdoba's presentation showed students how GIS can also be used to map stories of recovery, adding new information to conversations about substance misuse in the United States.